وصف المنتج:

رغوة تنظيف ناعمة متناهية الصغر

مميزات المنتج:

  1. تأثير تنظيف الغبار الناعم المذهل
  2. التنظيف دون ترك بقايا المكياج
  3. الاستخدام الآمن حتى للبشرة الحساسة
  4. تحتوي على مكونات ترطيب مشتقة من الطبيعة حتى لا تشد البشرة الجافة بعد الغسيل
  5. مثالي لإدارة المسام باستخدام مكون مضاد للزهم
  6. تحتوي على 11 مستخلص طبيعي

نصيحة التنظيف الصحيحة

  • قم بترطيب الجلد بشكل كافٍ بماء فاتر وافتح المسام.
  • خذ كمية مناسبة على راحة يدك ، رغوة كافية ، وقم بتدليكه بلطف من داخل وجهك إلى الخارج لمدة دقيقتين تقريبًا.
  • اشطفها جيدًا بالماء الفاتر دون ترك أي بقايا منظف.
الوزن 0.4 كيلوجرام

90 مراجعات لـ رغوة تنظيف نانو بابل (Dr. Bang Ki-Won)

  1. Patrick (مالك موثوق)

    Very fast delivery.

    1 product
  2. Ryker (مالك موثوق)

    Good quality.

    1 product
  3. Isaac (مالك موثوق)

    Very fast delivery.

    1 product
  4. Tyler (مالك موثوق)

    Very well worth the money.

    1 product
  5. Lucas (مالك موثوق)

    Very well worth the money.

    1 product
  6. Alan (مالك موثوق)

    Very fast delivery.

    1 product
  7. Lucas (مالك موثوق)

    Very well worth the money.

    1 product
  8. Patrick (مالك موثوق)

    Very fast delivery.

    1 product
  9. Ryder (مالك موثوق)

    Good quality.

    1 product
  10. Jackson (مالك موثوق)

    Good quality.

    1 product
  11. Zane (مالك موثوق)

    Very well worth the money.

    1 product
  12. Camden (مالك موثوق)

    Very fast delivery.

    1 product
  13. Ryder (مالك موثوق)

    Good service.

    1 product
  14. Liam (مالك موثوق)

    Good quality.

    1 product
  15. Ryan (مالك موثوق)

    The product is firmly packed.

    1 product
  16. Anthony (مالك موثوق)

    Very fast delivery.

    1 product
  17. Edward (مالك موثوق)

    Very well worth the money.

    1 product
  18. Robert (مالك موثوق)

    Good quality.

    1 product
  19. Henry (مالك موثوق)

    Good service.

    1 product
  20. Kaden Arabic (مالك موثوق)

    Very fast delivery.

    1 product
  21. Avery (مالك موثوق)

    Very well worth the money.

    1 product
  22. Henry (مالك موثوق)

    Good quality.

    1 product
  23. Zohar (مالك موثوق)

    Good service.

    1 product
  24. Kaden Arabic (مالك موثوق)

    Very fast delivery.

    1 product
  25. Nathaniel (مالك موثوق)

    Good service.

    1 product
  26. Kai (مالك موثوق)

    Very fast delivery.

    1 product
  27. Zohar (مالك موثوق)

    The product is firmly packed.

    1 product
  28. Dominic (مالك موثوق)

    Very fast delivery.

    1 product
  29. Paul (مالك موثوق)

    Good quality.

    1 product
  30. Max (مالك موثوق)

    Good service.

    1 product
  31. Henry (مالك موثوق)

    The product is firmly packed.

    1 product
  32. Nolan (مالك موثوق)

    Good service.

    1 product
  33. Bryan (مالك موثوق)

    The product is firmly packed.

    1 product
  34. Daniel (مالك موثوق)

    Very fast delivery.

    1 product
  35. Bryan (مالك موثوق)

    Good service.

    1 product
  36. Tyler (مالك موثوق)

    Good service.

    1 product
  37. Ryder (مالك موثوق)

    Good quality.

    1 product
  38. Nolan (مالك موثوق)

    Very fast delivery.

    1 product
  39. Kai (مالك موثوق)

    The product is firmly packed.

    1 product
  40. Nathaniel (مالك موثوق)

    Good service.

    1 product
  41. Richard (مالك موثوق)

    Very well worth the money.

    1 product
  42. Angel (مالك موثوق)

    Good service.

    1 product
  43. Hayden (مالك موثوق)

    Very fast delivery.

    1 product
  44. Ryker (مالك موثوق)

    Good quality.

    1 product
  45. Charles (مالك موثوق)

    Very well worth the money.

    1 product
  46. Michael (مالك موثوق)

    Good service.

    1 product
  47. Dylan (مالك موثوق)

    Very fast delivery.

    1 product
  48. Kayden (مالك موثوق)

    Good quality.

    1 product
  49. Kevin (مالك موثوق)

    Good quality.

    1 product
  50. Leo (مالك موثوق)

    The product is firmly packed.

    1 product
  51. Samuel (مالك موثوق)

    Very well worth the money.

    1 product
  52. Camden (مالك موثوق)

    The product is firmly packed.

    1 product
  53. Daniel (مالك موثوق)

    Very fast delivery.

    1 product
  54. Avery (مالك موثوق)

    Good quality.

    1 product
  55. Patrick (مالك موثوق)

    Good service.

    1 product
  56. Paul (مالك موثوق)

    The product is firmly packed.

    1 product
  57. David (مالك موثوق)

    Very well worth the money.

    1 product
  58. Nathaniel (مالك موثوق)

    Very well worth the money.

    1 product
  59. Hayden (مالك موثوق)

    Very well worth the money.

    1 product
  60. Charles (مالك موثوق)

    The product is firmly packed.

    1 product
  61. Phoenix (مالك موثوق)

    Very fast delivery.

    1 product
  62. Leo (مالك موثوق)

    Good service.

    1 product
  63. Camden (مالك موثوق)

    Very fast delivery.

    1 product
  64. David (مالك موثوق)

    Good service.

    1 product
  65. Aiden (مالك موثوق)

    Good quality.

    1 product
  66. Anthony (مالك موثوق)

    The product is firmly packed.

    1 product
  67. Mateo (مالك موثوق)

    Very fast delivery.

    1 product
  68. Ryder (مالك موثوق)

    Good service.

    1 product
  69. Zane (مالك موثوق)

    Good quality.

    1 product
  70. Nicholas (مالك موثوق)

    Good service.

    1 product
  71. Alan (مالك موثوق)

    The product is firmly packed.

    1 product
  72. Kevin (مالك موثوق)

    Very fast delivery.

    1 product
  73. John (مالك موثوق)

    Very well worth the money.

    1 product
  74. Samuel (مالك موثوق)

    The product is firmly packed.

    1 product
  75. Jackson (مالك موثوق)

    Good quality.

    1 product
  76. Nicholas (مالك موثوق)

    Very fast delivery.

    1 product
  77. Zane (مالك موثوق)

    The product is firmly packed.

    1 product
  78. Aadarsh (مالك موثوق)

    Very well worth the money.

    1 product
  79. Phoenix (مالك موثوق)

    Good service.

    1 product
  80. Edward (مالك موثوق)

    Good quality.

    1 product
  81. Anthony (مالك موثوق)

    The product is firmly packed.

    1 product
  82. Nolan (مالك موثوق)

    Good quality.

    1 product
  83. Max (مالك موثوق)

    Very well worth the money.

    1 product
  84. Charles (مالك موثوق)

    Very fast delivery.

    1 product
  85. Owen (مالك موثوق)

    Good quality.

    1 product
  86. Alan (مالك موثوق)

    Good service.

    1 product
  87. Nathaniel (مالك موثوق)

    Good quality.

    1 product
  88. Julian (مالك موثوق)

    Good quality.

    1 product
  89. Bryan (مالك موثوق)

    Good quality.

    1 product
  90. Isaac (مالك موثوق)

    Good quality.

    1 product
إضافة مراجعة